Digital Media
Untitiled Play? 荷 Letters ?&g Roach executor Roach executor 立 AE LTY Noop Abstract Triangle Untitled Phone Untitled T to Y 黒白 To the Edge Tree Tree Tree Tree
Aho Untitled Fire Aho Fish Tree Tree Tree Tree Balance exhibition Balance exhibition Balance exhibition Tree
Liu Tianyi is a contemporary graphic designer living in Tokyo, Japan. Her hometown in the Southern part of China, is a city known for its natural landscapes. Therefore, she likes to use elements of nature in her design of Chinese characters and some of her drawings. Her typographic designs look unique and are affable to viewers. She studied Chinese calligraphy as a child, thus her work also uses Chinese characters as an element of its design. She would also like to draw imaginary landscapes to show her feelings. Liu studies in Tokyo and plans to return to China after she graduates.