Duberson, Jessica

Residing in lands of Japan, Jessica Duberson is a digital artist utilizing colors and whimsical designs in her work to play into the idea of escapism. With an eye for shifting the imagination and seeking a future within the animation industry, she aims to inspire others with her artistic journey. 

Paintings and Illustrations

Lying Together, 2023
Oil on canvas
12.7 x 17.78 cm

Unknown, 2023
Color pencil on wooden canvas, inkjet print
28 x 43 cm, 12.7 x 17.78 cm

Anxiety, 2022
Inkjet print on photo paper
28 x 43 cm

Parts of a Whole I, 2022
Inkjet print on photo paper
50 x 50 cm

???, 2022
Inkjet print on canvas paper
43 x 60 cm

Productivity, 2023
Inkjet print on photo paper
42 x 90 cm
