Shiratori, Asuka

There are two aspects to my art making. The first aspect is very personal. I am afraid of death. Therefore, I want to leave my feelings, thoughts, and memories in a tangible form. I feel like time passes slowly while I am making artwork, because I can focus on myself. The second aspect is the three characteristics of my artwork, which are: emotional effects, uniqueness, and use of shapes and colors. 

Evoking emotions is important for an artwork. It gives people an opportunity to explore various emotions and new thoughts. I want people to face themselves and possibly reassess their life values throughout my artwork. Uniqueness is necessary to grab people’s interests. I try to show my “unique” character in my artwork. This character sometimes makes the viewers feel possibly confused or empathetic, but I think that the impact makes them remember my artwork. 

I focus on shapes and colors. I prefer an abstract work because it gives a space for interpretation. The viewers can imagine its subject and my possible intentions freely. I  interpret geometric shapes as mechanical, while organic shapes give off a sense of warmth. Depending on what colors are used, the viewers’ impression of the work will change. 

In thirty years from now, I am sure that there will be art in my life. Art allows me what is important and is needed.  Due to the development of technology, people may end up thinking or feeling less, but the role of art will not change in the future. It continues to give us opportunities to feel more and think more. I look forward to looking back at my work in 30 years time. They will manifest my; emotions, thoughts, memories, and life. 

Tokyo, 2021
Acrylic on canvas
606 × 500 mm
Romantic, 2019
Oil on canvas
455 × 380 mm
Michiru (Fullness), 2021
Oil and acrylic on board 
410 × 318 mm
Kokoro (Mind), 2021
Oil on canvas
455 × 380 mm
Aspects, 2019
Water color paint and balsa wood
310 × 250 × 250 mm
Colors, 2021
Digital photography
Colors, 2021
Digital photography

Asuka Shiratori is an artist who lives and works in Tokyo. Her works aim to encourage the viewer to engage in their own feelings. She creates works by expressing her personal emotions and thoughts.
